What is an air filter regulator?
Air filter regulator or simple filter regulator is made from the combination of filter and pressure regulator in one unit. The air filter regulator is mainly used for the safe supply of compressed air required by pneumatic equipment. These types of regulators do this by removing water and particulate matter from the air source, while also providing precise control of downstream pressure. Also, this single unit design saves space. It also minimizes air leakage due to fewer connections.
How does the air filter regulator work?
The air filter regulator combines two basic functions. The filter cleans the air flowing from the compressor by trapping solid particles such as dust, dirt and separating liquids from the compressed air. Meanwhile, the regulator controls the speed and flow rate of the outgoing fluid flow. Filters are installed in lines upstream of regulators, directional control valves, lubricators, and air-powered devices (such as cylinders).
Air filter regulators are simpler and cheaper units that play a vital role in pneumatic systems. These units serve two different purposes simultaneously.
In the first step, the regulators filter liquids and suspended particles from the air source.
In the second step, they provide suitable and usable air pressure for some processes or other devices in the system. The image below shows a cut of the air filter regulator. The filter is shown in green color to show how the source air enters the filter before adjusting the pressure to show that the outlet flow pressure is well adjusted and we have clean outlet air.
The importance of this type of regulators can be expressed in two different ways based on cost savings. More sensitive units, such as I/P converters and valve positioners, include components such as small orifice flanges, spool valves, and circuit boards. For example, some types of this regulator include an orifice flange, where the size of the orifice is a few thousandths of an inch.
If this orifice becomes blocked with dust particles, it affects the performance of the unit and can cause problems downstream. Dirty air is the most common cause of an IP converter malfunctioning. Using a filter regulator actually protects more sensitive and possibly more expensive equipment from damage that could lead to a costly repair or the need to replace the unit.
The second aspect of cost savings includes everything that happens downstream after the air filter regulator. If there is a unit downstream of the air filter regulator whose output changes based on unit input pressure changes; It is essential to use a stable air source for this unit. Air coming directly from a compressor can fluctuate based on the state of the air compressor.
If this source air pressure fluctuation causes a change in the output of a downstream unit; For example, in plastic extrusion, the final product may not be usable if the process air pressure is too far from the set point.
By regulating the pressure and filtering the exhaust air from a compressor, stable air is supplied to the process pressure control unit, exactly what air filter regulators can do in fluctuations in the exhaust air from a source or compressor. For example, the output of the air filter regulator of some models only changes by 0.25 PSI for every 25 PSI change in the inlet pressure to the unit.
Air filter regulators are an important part of any pneumatic system. They help provide clean, pressurized air to your downstream streams and act as an inexpensive protector for more expensive process system equipment. These two factors will lead to less wasted time due to reduced repair or improper performance and greater efficiency in the process.
How to choose an air filter regulator?
When choosing the right air filter regulator for your intended application, ask yourself the following questions to help guide the regulator selection process:
1- What is the flow rate of our system? Once you determine the flow rate, you can select the correct port size.
2- What level of purification is required? In other words, how dry do you need the air to be? 40 micron filters typically remove up to 95% of water. Adding a 5 micron filter will remove more water up to 99%.
3- What is the inlet and outlet pressure? Adjusting these parameters will be the task of the pressure regulator. Remember that there will be a significant pressure drop across the filter regulator.
Also, consider the following factors when choosing an air filter regulator:
- Ambient temperature
- Drain the filter
- The type of material used
- pressure gauge
- Chamber capacity
Price and purchase of air filter regulator
The price of the air filter regulator depends on many factors. The most important is the type of regulator that by answers to the questions that were examined in the previous section, you can choose your regulator type.